Saturday, March 12, 2011

Rajesh Kumar Maurya -- on India Got Talent from Indira Nagar Lko.

Hello ! Friends..I am Rajesh Maurya begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skypeFfkjkjkjfrom Lucknow. Lucknow is a most beautiful city of Uttar Pradesh in India. I lives in Sector 14 of Indira Nagar Colony.
My biggest passion is without a doubt drawing, I really love the feeling of creating something emotional, beautiful and unique. Drawing is my biggest passion and has been since 2000. Each day I grow to love it even more.
I have been drawing on and off since I was a little boy, it was a great way of getting through sad times. I drew my first real portrait when I was about 12 years old of Joohi Chawla. The following years I didn't draw as I was busy with school and I didn't really feel the passion for it. When I was 17 years old I started drawing people again and slowly I began to love it more and more. When I was 21 I really started drawing like crazy and today I love it more than ever.
It was also about that time my friend gave me my first charcoal as a birthday present. Though it was not the best kind of charcoal (I later found out), it was the beginning of my charcoal drawings.
My biggest inspiration is my feelings, things I have been going through in life. I find inspiration in the music I listen to as well as it has an amazing way of giving you a certain feeling of either joy or sadness. I love to portray feelings, especially sad ones as it has a great deep meaning to me.

Click on below links to watch my Paintings:

My favourite motive is the human face as well as fairies and angels, there's something magic about it. I love to create something based on an emotion, whether it be my fantasy drawings or portraits. I think art should always have emotions as it makes you feel something and can move you in so many different ways.

Rajesh Maurya begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting(Mfa)

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